Breast reconstruction surgery help women who have undergone mastectomy to regain their natural breasts with cosmetic procedure. This procedure is focused on reconstructing breasts by extracting tissues from the abdomen and transferring them to the chest area. Performed at the hospital under general anesthesia, the surgery takes a few weeks for healing and recovery. 

What is breast reconstruction? 

Breast reconstruction procedure rebuilds the size and shape of breasts after a mastectomy. Often, the surgery involves reconstructing the entire breast with nipple and areola. Two main techniques are used for the procedure – implants and flap tissue surgery. Since, breast reconstruction is a personal choice, discussing with your Plastic surgeon will help you learn about the varied options and to make the best choice.   

Depending on the type of procedure, tissues are extracted from the abdomen to create new breast mounds. Alternatively, silicone shells filled with salt water or gel are mounted in the chest area.     

Types of breast reconstruction

Implants: Breast reconstruction use implants constructed from silicone and salt water. This procedure can be done immediately after the mastectomy or can be done after a few days. 

Autologous tissue breast reconstruction: Pedicled flap surgery and Free flap surgery

Pedicled flap surgery: The Plastic surgeon lacerates blood vessels from the extracted tissues, while the surrounding blood vessels remain intact. The tissues are tunnelled beneath the chest area skin to create the new breast mound or pocket for the implants. 

Free flap surgery: The surgeon completely removes the blood vessels from the extracted tissues and reattaches them near your chest. This procedure due to its complexity takes longer than pedicled flap surgery.   

Prosthetic breasts: Some women prefer to wear artificial (prosthetic) breasts from inside of their brassiere or get them attached to their body. Prosthetics offer natural look and feel while balancing body weight to support their posture. Doctors recommend this solution once the body is completely healed from mastectomy.  

Why Choosing to undergo breast reconstruction surgery?

If you have undergone mastectomy to prevent breast cancer, you may opt for breast reconstruction surgery that cosmetically restores the balance between the breasts by replacing breast tissue, nipple & areolae, and skin. The duration and length of the procedure will depend on the size, width, and location of the removed tumor.

Since, every woman possess a different personality and mindset, hence there are different procedures available but with a common goal of aesthetically restoring the curves. Thus, based on their health history, doctors can recommend Prosthetic breasts, Implants, or Autologous tissue breast reconstruction.

Undergoing mastectomy possesses challenge of poor posture and back pain due to body weight imbalance. Thus, a breast surgeon and plastic surgeon can assist the woman to analyze, if breast reconstruction surgery is suitable or other options may be selected.      

What are the risks of breast reconstruction?

Infection: The surgery site is prone to infection, which can be treated with antibiotics.

Pain and discomfort: Prescribed pain relief medication should be taken. If, the pain persists despite the medication, doctor appointment must be taken, immediately.

Itching: As the wound begins to heal, itching occurs. Avoid itching and apply prescribed ointment to soothe the itching.

Numbness: A tingling sensation in both breasts can be experience up to 12 months after surgery because the nerves are affected and will take time to readjust. 

Fluid collection under the wound: After the surgery drainage tubes are inserted in the breasts to prevent fluid build-up. In case, the fluid is excessive, the surgeon uses a needle and syringe to drain it out.

Fever: If experiencing a fever above 100 deg. F, immediately call your doctor. It may be a symptom of infection.

The procedure of breast reconstruction 

Breast reconstruction uses two main techniques – Implants and Surgery.

Implants: Silicone shells filled with salt water or gel are inserted in the pocket created.

Surgery: A plastic surgeon uses tools to extract tissue form the abdomen and transplant them at the surgical site to recreate breasts, nipples, and areola. 

To regain the body balance often the cancer-free breast is surgically removed, and new construction is performed to match the size and shape of the breasts. Also, the surgery or implants do not restore sensation to the nipple or breast, as the nerves are severed. 

After Care & Recovery

You may feel sore and painful breasts for several weeks after the surgery. To reduce soreness, drainage tubes are inserted in the surgical site to remove excess fluids, collected. While the prescribed pain medication will help control the pain. 

Wearing support brassiere or an elastic bandage can help reduce swelling and provide ample support to your breasts as they heal.

Sutures (stitches) after surgery are absorbed by the skin and hence not required to be removed. Scars are permanent, but they fade soon.

It takes up to 6 weeks to regain normal life and work activities. Doctor will advise you to refrain from strenuous physical activities before you are completely healed. Sometimes recovery may take up to 1 year, so have patience.    

Why Cutis Hospital for breast reconstruction surgery? 

Plastic surgeons skilled on breast reconstruction use unique reconstruction procedures and tools to recreate womanhood. Our team are certified from the prestigious boards of Indian and USA Plastic Surgery Associations, and hence render top-notch cosmetic surgeries. Additionally, our medical team nurses the patient holistically, from physical to emotional and psychological, as we deeply understand and respect the worth of being a woman.

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    New Look, New You: Your Complete Guide to Plastic Surgery

    Before and After Surgery

    Breast Surgery_Asymmetry of breasts Case 6
    Breast implant
    Breast implant


    It’s a personal decision to live with or without a body part, and it’s not easy to make. You can opt for the surgery, prefer to wear prosthetics, or change nothing. Plastic surgery with advanced tools and techniques now provides improved methods to reconstruct breast after mastectomy – from implants, prosthetics to Autologous tissue breast reconstruction.

    The surgery changes your appearance, but it renders a sense of wellness and body balance for you.   

    Depending on your medical condition and cancer treatment, you can either opt for same day plastic surgery after mastectomy is done, or you can wait for a few weeks to months and year before you feel the need for the reconstruction surgery.

    If you are on chemotherapy or radiation, breast reconstruction is deferred until your doctor deems fit.

    It takes up to 2 hours for procedure preparation including anesthesia and takes 1-6 hours for the reconstruction. You will spend 2 to 3 hours in recovery room before being transferred to a hospital room.

    Your newly reconstructed breasts will not resemble like your natural ones. However, the contour of your new breasts is restored to match the silhouette before the surgery.


      Achieve Your Best Results with Expert Care

      We provide effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all parts of the body. At Cutis Hospital, our cosmetic and plastic surgery team is committed to giving patients safe and high-quality care.