Factory burns is common in the industrial workspace and constitute 45% of all burn injuries and 40% of burn deaths. Burns damage the skin, muscles, tendons, and bones, and prove fatal, depending on its depth. Victims experience redness and swelling on the outer layer of skin, severe pain or no pain, blisters, and organ complications. Customized factory burn treatment can help save victims and nurse them back to life.

What are factory burns?

Thermal burns: Industrial machines release hot steam or liquid during the manufacturing process, and if a worker comes in contact with them, he/she is susceptible to minor or deep burns. 

Chemical burns: Industries use chemicals in their manufacturing. Splashes and spills cause factory burns to a worker’s external body, while an internal burn (nasal passage and esophagus), if chemical fumes are inhaled.  

Tar Burns: An accidental spill of hot tar causes deep burns on the neck, face, hands, and arms, quickly. Due to its sticky properties, it immediately sticks to the skin. Never peel off tar from the victim’s skin, instead, immediately douse it with cold water, and call for emergency medical help.

Factory burns causes

  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports the following common reasons for factory burns:
  • Thermal burns: Victims coming into direct contact with the heat source.
  • Chemical & Gas burns: Victims coming into direct contact with chemicals and gas explosion. 
  • Electrical burns: Victims coming into direct contact with electricity.
  • Smoke inhalation: Victims subjected to carbon monoxide inhalation due to fire. 

Symptoms of Factory burns

Factory burn symptoms may include:

  • Red, white, charred, or peeling skin.
  • Pale and clammy skin, blue lips and fingernails, weakness, and a decrease in alertness.
  • Blisters that are intact or have ruptured and are leaking fluid.
  • Uncontrollable pain or no pian as nervous system is damaged. 
  • Swelling.

Factory burns treatment

Factory burn treatment involves rapid medical assistance. If the burn is first-degree, soaking the injury for 15 minutes in cool tap water is advised, followed by application of burnt ointment. 

In case of second- and third-degree burns, hospitalization is immediate. 

In all scenarios, keeping the patient hydrated and covering the burn with sterilized gauze or clean sheet is advised, and never remove clothing from the burnt area. 


In case of severe factory burn patients’ experience;

  • Debilitating pain for long-term.
  • May need amputation to control infection.
  • Respiratory problems as lungs are severely damaged.
  • Bone and joint function poorly as scar tissues cause contractures that permanently tighten and shorten tendons and muscles that pull joints out of position.
  • Emotional stress disorders. 


  • Install and maintain a commercial fire protection system.
  • Install a fire evacuation plan in the manufacturing facilities with fire extinguishers.
  • Install special hazard fire systems for heavy machinery and equipment.
  • Ensure employees have adequate training on fire prevention & response.

Why is Cutis Hospital for factory burn surgery? 

Our team of specialized doctors, nursing staff, and occupational therapists work in tandem to heal factory burn victims. They devise a customized treatment plan for scar management, pain relief, and deformity corrections once they assess the severity of the burns.

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    Recovery Made Easy: Your Everyday Guide to Plastic Surgery

    Before and After Surgery

    Burns_Factory burns
    Burns_Factory burns
    Burns_Factory burns


    Factory burns occur due to accidental combustion of flammable liquids & gases, electrical hazards, combustible dust, and hot work (welding and grinding).

    Presence of an ignition source and concentration of vapors suspended in air cause flammable and combustible raw materials to explode. If raw materials are not stored properly or workplace lacks fire extinguishing methods then factory works can easily succumb to fatal burn injuries.

    Fire safety training involves procedures for controlling workplace ignition sources, informing employees on the exposure to fire hazards, and training them on how to escape in case of a fire accident. Further, the training ensures the workplace has portable fire extinguishers, emergency exits and evacuation plan on the shopfloor including other areas.

    It’s a training program that educates employees and employers on the possible causes of accidental fires and factory burn, strategies on fire protection including emergency evacuation plan, and how to assist the burn victims.

    On each floor of your factory, install smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide alarms, and fire suppression system.


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      We provide effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all parts of the body. At Cutis Hospital, our cosmetic and plastic surgery team is committed to giving patients safe and high-quality care.