The blood vessel vascular system consists of arteries and veins. Arteries are responsible for carrying oxygenated blood to the tissues, whereas veins play a vital role in carrying blood back to the heart. 

The thymus gland, spleen, tonsils, adenoids, lymph vessels, & numerous lymph nodes are components of the lymphatic system, which is a part of your immune system and is responsible for transporting lymph fluid in the whole body.

These blood vessels and the lymphatic system are mainly affected by vascular conditions. 'Vascular conditions' is a term used to denote the number of vascular diseases. 

Problems and diseases that affect blood flow are known vascular diseases. Such diseases that affect blood flow are more frequently seen in the upper extremities than in the lower extremities. 

Even in today's time, approximately 10% of people are still affected by these vascular conditions. Problems such as slow recovery from other medical conditions, open wounds, permanent damage to body parts, and excruciating pain can be caused by vascular conditions. 

Types of vascular conditions 

Given below is a list of different types of vascular conditions: 

  1. An aneurysm: A medical condition wherein a bulge in the wall of any blood vessel is called An aneurysm. It is mainly found in the main blood vessel leaving the heart, called Aorta. An aortic aneurysm in the chest is called thoracic; in the belly, it's known as an abdominal. 

Plaque deposits can occur at the location of an aneurysm. There is also a risk of clot development at the location of an aneurysm, which can break off and stick somewhere else, resulting in undesired outcomes.

A severe aneurysm may get bigger over time, putting pressure on other organs and causing pain. An aneurysm is delicate and could burst due to excess pressure because the artery walls around it are thinner and stretched.  

  • Blood clotting disorders: Several medical conditions make your blood form clots. There are chances that an infant is born with such a medical condition, or a person might get diagnosed with one such medical condition at any stage of their life. 

Such a disorder can result in an increased level of blood clotting substances such as prothrombin and factor 8. Such disorders can also decrease the production of anticoagulant proteins such as protein S and antithrombin. 

These disorders make the breakdown of the protein mesh that holds blood clots together difficult and are also responsible for damaging the lining of your blood vessels.

  • PVD: PVD is an acronym that stands for Peripheral Vascular Disease. It is a medical condition of the blood vessels present externally in the heart and brain. Lower extremities (legs) are mainly affected by this medical condition, and the most common cause of this disease is Atherosclerosis. 

It is also known as Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Peripheral arteries supply blood to organs and tissues, except for the heart. 

These arteries might consist of cholesterol, fats, etc., that can build up plaque, which narrows down the vessels and makes the flow of the blood difficult. Blockage in the legs might result in cramps or unbearable pain in the legs. 

  • Lymphedema: When your lymphatic system is distributed due to external/internal factors and causes inflammation in any part of the body, the medical condition is known as 'lymphedema.' 

The lymphatic system's role is to collect toxins, proteins, and unwanted fluids from cells & tissues and relocate them to your bloodstream. 

When the lymphatic system is affected, the body begins accumulating that fluid, resulting in swelling in certain regions of your body. This condition mainly affects the legs & arms and also poses the risk of developing an infection in the affected region of your body. 

The risk of lymphedema increases if you have undergone a number of surgeries in the past or you suffer from certain medical conditions. 

  • Venous disease: There are flaps present in our veins called valves. When the valves are open and muscles contract, the blood moves through veins. On the contrary, when the muscles are not in motion, these valves stay closed, and the blood flow is intact in a single direction. 

When these valves are damaged, the blood might flow in two directions with open valves. And when the valves are closed, they lose the ability to hold the blood because of the damage. 

Due to this damage, there might be some swelling and bulging in your veins, and it might look like ropes under the affected area's skin.

Causes of vascular conditions

Given below is a list of causes that might be responsible for your vascular condition:

  1. The buildup of plaque, called Atherosclerosis, in the arteries.
  2. Blood clots or debris cause blockage in blood vessels.
  3. Inflammation in veins or other regions of the body.
  4. Trauma/injury affecting blood vessels or the lymphatic system.
  5. Other medical conditions like high cholesterol and blood pressure can also increase the risk of developing several vascular conditions.
  6. Smoking or consuming products that contain tobacco.

Signs & symptoms of vascular conditions

As there are a number of vascular diseases and disorders, the symptoms of vascular conditions vary as per affected body parts and the type of vascular conditions. 

Given below is a symptom faced by patients suffering from different types of vascular conditions:

Peripheral artery disease: 

  • Cramps or pain in legs that increase during physical activity and reduce with rest. 
  • Altering the color of legs. 
  • Ulcers and exhausted legs.

Renal artery disease: 

  • High blood pressure. 
  • Risk of heart failure and abnormal functioning of kidneys.

Varicose and spider veins: 

  • visibility of blue or red veins in legs
  • Increased pain and swelling of those veins. 

Thoracic outlet syndrome: 

  • Aching neck, arms, and shoulders. 
  • Feeling of numbness & tingling in arms or hands.

Deep vein thrombosis: 

  • Feeling of warmth
  • Unbearable pain
  • Inflammation in the leg

Pulmonary embolism: 

  • Blood coming out of the mouth while coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Inability to do deep-breathing

Thoracic aneurysm: 

  • Aching chest 
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty in swallowing edibles
  • Inflamed neck

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, there are some symptoms that are common for almost every vascular condition, such as pain, difficulty in moving limbs, swelling, abnormal blood flow, etc. are some of the signs and symptoms that are common in almost all vascular conditions.

Vascular Conditions Treatment

Consuming a healthy diet and working out on a routine basis could be helpful in curing many vascular conditions. Whereas, for the ones that can't be cured by a healthy diet and exercise, taking medicines and undergoing a surgical procedure might be inevitable. Treatment for vascular conditions varies as per the type and severity of the condition.

Peripheral artery disease treatment:

  • PAD could be cured by exercise, diet, medication, and surgical procedures.
  • Antibiotics for reducing pain and breaking down the clots can also be taken.
  • Surgery can remove blood clots.
  • Hands and legs should be kept warm, and medicines that help blood vessels stay dilated should be taken.
  • Smoking and consumption of other tobacco products should be stopped.

Venous disease treatment:

  • Laser therapy, heat, and saltwater should be used to get rid of swelling.
  • Lifting your legs upwards will aid in circulating blood.
  • Medicines that help reduce the pain and thickness of blood can be taken.
  • Physiotherapy can be done to regain the lost potential of the affected limb.

Blood clot treatment:

  • Moving the affected limb frequently will not allow the blood to form a clot.
  • Blood clots are removed surgically.
  • Medicines and injections are given that restrict blood from getting thick and forming clots.
  • Heat is applied to the affected limb and is constantly moved to reduce swelling and pain and avoid blood clotting.
  • A completely damaged nerve is removed through surgery.

Aneurysm treatment:

  • Surgery is done to insert a stent/fabric graft to support the affected limb.


  • Patients should lie down, and the affected arm should be left to rest above the heart level on a regular basis.
  • The affected limb should be used to perform routine tasks instead of immobilizing it.
  • Seek professional help to cure the condition from the root and for faster recovery.


Medicines and drugs can have side effects, but they are important components if you wish to cure your medical thoroughly. In most cases, these side effects are short-term, but they can be long-term, too, depending on the severity of your medical condition and your medical history. 

In case you face long-term side effects, you can ask your doctor to give you alternate medicines that could cause fewer or no side effects. Moreover, surgical procedures can have undesired outcomes too, which makes it important for you to talk about these side effects and risks before opting for surgery. 

There might be a risk that your incision made for the surgery might get infected if proper aftercare is not given to it. Also, it's important to take all the medicines the doctor prescribes, as it prevents the wound from getting infected. In addition, the doctor might restrict you from moving the affected limb after the surgery and ask you to immobilize it until the incision recovers. 

Why Cutis Hospital for vascular disease?

Complete knowledge

There are different kinds of vascular conditions, which include different diseases and disorders related to blood vessels and the lymphatic system. All of these vascular conditions have different symptoms and treatments. 

It becomes necessary to have complete knowledge regarding all these diseases and disorders if a doctor wants to opt for the most suitable treatment method for the patient. Doctors at Cutis have complete theoretical knowledge and years of practical experience in treating different kinds of vascular conditions.

Treatment & aftercare

These experts try to cure all medical conditions with non-surgical methods and only opt for surgeries when they become inevitable. Surgeries are performed with the help of advanced equipment, which helps the patient in faster recovery and causes less pain. 

After the surgery is completed, a splint or cast is provided to the patient to immobilize the limb that underwent surgery until the incision is closed. Moreover, proper medicines are prescribed that protect the incision from getting infected and make the situation worse.

Premier healthcare facilities 

Cutis Hospital is one of India's premier healthcare facilities, offering world-class glass wound treatments in a variety of specializations. With modern diagnostic and therapeutic services that satisfy the highest standards of quality, our therapeutic approach keeps our patients in mind. We appreciate technical intelligence in addition to a conventional approach, which results in best-in-class services for our patients.

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    I'm suffering from VASCULAR MALFORMATION in left lower flank and gluteal region since last 9 yrs. Vascular malformation often result from abnormal development in blood vessels,lymph vessels,veins and arteries.I visited many doctors for that.Finally i decided to go with Dr.Chintan patel.Dr.gave me good knowledge related my problem.Opinion from the doctor is genuine.Dr.Chintan patel is cool and calm.His commitment towards patients is excellent.Good physical infrastructure.Quality work with safty.Superb cleanliness make my stay at hospital more comfortable.


    Before and After Surgery

    Hand Surgery-Crush Injury


    No, most vascular conditions can be cured by consuming a healthy diet and working out on a regular basis. Only a few of them require surgery.

    Yes, when it is not possible to break down blood clots with medicines, then these blood clots are removed surgically.

    Vascular diseases such as aneurysms, aortic ulcers, blood clots, etc., require surgery to fully recover.

    Yes, several vascular diseases can be cured with medicines, good food, and regular workouts.

    Doctors suggest physiotherapy to a patient because it helps in regaining the lost potential and movement of a limb.

    A vascular disorder might take two to three months to recover after surgery.


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